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The Conor McGregor Hype Train Exposed at UFC 189

Conor McGregor, like Jesus, breaks down cries at the end of UFC 189. But why oh why? Credit - AP, John Locher 07-11-15

And McGregor, like Jesus, cried. Revealing snapshot of Conor McGregor at UFC 189.  Credit – AP, John Locher 07-11-15

The significant moments of UFC 189 have now slipped into relative oblivion, buried by the eruption of Irish fans as Herb dean waved off the assault of a mounted slugger pounding on a cowering opponent, a scant 3 seconds before the end of round 2. Yes, three seconds. The rest is now the stuff of new-fangled legend born of recycled bombast and the roar of Irish fans who had just had a “Near Death Experience” in the moments preceding.

The slugger was Conor Anthony McGregor, a 145lb carpetbagger who has conned a bunch of Irish fans into believing that he is the realest thing since corned beef – which would be fine & dandy if he really was. Gratis Tip; he is not; and to that end a few unscripted moments slipped through the facade of McGregor as the  “Celtic Warrior” who also happens to be the second coming of Kung Fu. Here they are, not in any particular order:

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